Thursday, August 31, 2006

Here is the message, delivered on Sunday, August 27, 2006 by Pastor Jim Rasmussen. Pastor Rasmussen is the director of evangelism for the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations, the association to which we belong. If you want to find out more about this group, go to

In this message, Pastor Rasmussen talks about the importance of prayer as we go about fulfilling the Great Commission given to us by Jesus. It can be heard at An alternate link for this message is

Monday, August 28, 2006

This week at Grace and Redeemer we had a guest speaker. I'll try to get his message loaded for you to hear. But, in the mean time, I've uploaded another message from last year. This message talks about worry, which is so common for all of us. We're always worrying about the things we think we need for this life. But in Luke 12, Jesus tells us not to worry and gives us good reason to trust in him. You can hear this message at An alternate link is

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I've uploaded the first current message of this podcast. This message was delievered on August 20, 2006. It addresses the reality of Satan's existance and of his power, and if believers in Jesus need fear him. You can hear it at An alternate link for this message is

Monday, August 21, 2006

Today I uploaded the last message in the series "Lies We Believe." Actually, there was one other that never got recorded. But I hope these five are a blessing to your faith. This one examines the lie, believed by many in the church, that only certain people are called to ministry. You can hear it at

An alternate link for this message is

I also have two devotionals available that I wrote a couple years ago. If you'd like a copy, please e-mail your request and mailing address.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Today I uploaded another sermon in the series "Lies We Believe". This one deals with the lie telling us that, since we're saved by faith and not works, since we've been forgiven, and because God will continue to forgive our sins, we're free to live however we choose. You can find this one at

An alternate link for this message is

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Here is another message in the series I preached during Lent 2005 titled "Lies We Believe". This message examines another lie commonly believed by people in society and in the church, that all good people will be saved, and what the Bible says about it. You can find hear it or download it at An alternate link for this is

Monday, August 14, 2006

I think I have my first couple podcasts ready to go. Check them out at with an alternate link of and at with an alternate link of The first message examimes a common lie believed by people in society and in the church, "A Loving God Would't Send People to Hell", and looks at what the Bible says about it. The second looks at another lie, that all religions lead to the same God.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

The goal of this site is to podcast the messages preached at Grace Free Lutheran Church in DeKalb, Illinois and at Redeemer Free Lutheran Church in Ashton, Illinois. I hope they encourage you in faith and point you to Jesus, our Savior. The easiest way to hear these messages on your computer or to download them to your ipod or mp3 player is to copy and paste the address into your media player. To simply hear it on your computer, you can also click on the link.