Thursday, March 29, 2012

Last night we finished up our mid-week Lenten series, looking at Jesus' condemnation of the religious leaders in Luke 11. He again addresses the lawyers, telling them that they'd taken away the key of knowledge. What does this mean? Do we sometimes do the same thing? This message can be heard or downloaded at

Monday, March 26, 2012

As Jesus stood before Pontius Pilate, he said that he's the bringer of truth. Pilate responded by asking: "What is truth?" Then, he left. Many people today have the same attitude when it comes to the truth. What's yours? This message can be heard and downloaded at

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Last night, we continued in our series from Luke 11, looking at Jesus' condemnation of the Pharisees and lawyers. He brought out the fact that, although the claimed to honor the prophets, their hearts were really no different than their fathers'. The truth was that they wanted to silence the voice of God. We often have the same attitude in the church today, claiming to honor his Word but seeking to silence his voice. This message can be heard or downloaded at

Monday, March 19, 2012

After he was arrested, Peter followed Jesus to the home of the high priest. While there, he was asked by a servant girl if he was one of Jesus' disciples. Peter denied it. As believers, we will be asked whether we are followers of Jesus. How will we answer? This message can be heard or downloaded at

On Wednesday night, we looked at Jesus' first accusation against the lawyers. He told them that they placed burdens on people that were difficult to bear. And they, Jesus said, were not willing to help. How might we be guilty of this sin? This message can be heard here:

Monday, March 12, 2012

This week, we had Pastor Paul Nash, Home Missions Director of the AFLC with us. He spoke at our men's conference on Friday and Saturday, as well as at worship on Sunday. There's a lot of content here, so I'll be uploading it gradually.

The first session of our men's conference can be heard or downloaded here:

The second session of the men's conference can be found at this link:

The fourth session of the men's conference can be heard here:

We have a glitch with session 3 that we're trying to work out. We hope to have it available soon.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

This past Wednesday, we continued our series on Luke 11. As Jesus addressed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, he said that they were unmarked graves. What does this mean? How might we also be unmarked graves? This message can be heard or downloaded at

Monday, March 05, 2012

In the second message of our Lenten series, we jumped forward to the events of Jesus' arrest. As the soldiers came for him, Jesus approached them and asked whom they sought. In doing so, he turned himself over to them; he submitted himself to the will of God. Are we willing to do the same? Are we willing to submit ourselves to the will of God, no matter what it means for us? This message can be heard at

On the Wednesday's of Lent, we have another series going. In it, we're looking at Jesus' condemnation of the Pharisees in Luke 11 because of their hypocrisy. And we're seeing how we often display the same attitudes. The first message of this series failed to be recorded. So we're jumping in with message 2.

This week, we heard how the Pharisees had a love of honor. Do we possess that same love? This message can be heard or downloaded at