In the second message of our Lenten series, we jumped forward to the events of Jesus' arrest. As the soldiers came for him, Jesus approached them and asked whom they sought. In doing so, he turned himself over to them; he submitted himself to the will of God. Are we willing to do the same? Are we willing to submit ourselves to the will of God, no matter what it means for us? This message can be heard at
On the Wednesday's of Lent, we have another series going. In it, we're looking at Jesus' condemnation of the Pharisees in Luke 11 because of their hypocrisy. And we're seeing how we often display the same attitudes. The first message of this series failed to be recorded. So we're jumping in with message 2.
This week, we heard how the Pharisees had a love of honor. Do we possess that same love? This message can be heard or downloaded at
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