Monday, October 29, 2012

In the church today, the teaching is often controlled by the people.  Our goal is to keep people comfortable and happy.  We don't want to offend people by what is said.  So we fail to proclaim the whole of God's Word.  However, like Jeremiah, the faithful proclamation of God's Word must be our first concern.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

We know that we can't take it with us.  Yet, even with this knowledge, we continue to live only for wealth.  In Ecclesiastes 5, Solomon points out that this is meaningless and shares with us about a greater blessing.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

In Mark 10, we hear about a man who came to Jesus, asking how he might receive eternal life.  This seems encouraging.  He's seeking salvation from Jesus.  However, when Jesus tells him to sell all he had and to give to the poor, the man turned away.  Because he loved his wealth, it was too great a sacrifice.  In the same way, many of us have sins that we're unwilling to give up for the kingdom of God.  We value our sin more than the Lord.  This message can be heard at

Monday, October 01, 2012

After God miraculously provided for the needs of his people in the wilderness, they became discontent.  Instead of being thankful for his blessings, the people grumbled against them.  Are we content with the blessings God's given us?  This message can be heard at