Monday, October 25, 2010

As Paul approached the end of his life, and as he evaluated his life and ministry, he is confident that he's fulfilled God's call on his life. Do we have this same confidence? This message can be heard and downloaded at

Monday, October 18, 2010

We all know that prayer is an essential part of the life of the believer. However, we often become frustrated in prayer. We become frustrated because, at times, it feels like our prayers are falling on deaf ears. What are we to do in times like this? We find the answer in Luke 18. This message can be heard or downloaded at

Our children's sermon for the day can be heard at

Monday, October 11, 2010

We tend to think that we should be rewarded for our efforts; we like to think of ourselves as free men. And this way of thinking creeps into our understanding of the Lord; it creeps into our understanding of salvation. According to Scripture, we're undeserving servants. And even though this sounds demeaning, in reality it's a great blessing. This message can be heard at

Monday, October 04, 2010

People today are hard to convince; people are skeptical. And, because of this, we don't think that simply teaching and preaching the Word of God will bring people to faith. We think they need more; we think they need some evidence. But if people will not hear the Word of God, nothing will convince them. This message can be heard or downloaded at