Sunday, July 29, 2007

This week, we heard our final message in our series on Joshua, "The Making of a Servant." In this message we saw that, even though Moses was a very unique leader, he was not indispensable. God was able to raise up someone else to take his place. The same is also true for us. So the servant of God must not think to highly of himself, or place too great an importance on any one man. This message can be heard at

Sunday, July 22, 2007

In this continuation of our series on the life of Joshua titled, "The Making of a Servant," we see that a servant of God must be willing to go against the flow. Society tried to lead us away from God, and we must be willing to stand against this pressure. It can be heard at

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The past couple of Sundays, I've been away on vacation. So we had a couple of guest speakers in at Grace. On July 8, Sheriff Roger Scott gave the message in which he looked at the life of Lot and what we can learn from him as we seek to follow Jesus. It can be heard or downloaded at

On July 15th, Pastor Don Barnes was with us and delivered a message in which he looked at Paul's desire to know Christ. He then shows that this is the desire every believer in Jesus should possess. The link for this message is

Sunday, July 01, 2007

In the fifth message of our series, "The Making of a Servant", we see that Moses was not at all concerned about his own glory and honor. In the same way, we're not to be concerned about these things in ministry. We're to recognize that all people, along with the gifts they've been given by God, are just as essential to the ministry of the church as we are. It can be heard and downloaded at