Man thinks pretty highly of himself, putting himself in the place of God. We do this in many ways. But, as we see in Psalm 9, we need to remember our place. We need to remember that we are but men. This message can be heard or downloaded at
On Christmas, we finished our series, "The Message of Christmas." One more reason we have to celebrate the birth of Christ is because, through him, we've been given peace with God. This message can be heard at
Monday, December 29, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
This is the fourth message of our series: "The Message of Christmas." In it we hear that, through Jesus, we become the children of God. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Monday, December 15, 2008
This week we had the third message of our Advent seried, "The Message of Christmas." In it we heard that the blessing of God, found in Jesus, is for all people. It can be heard or downloaded at
Our children's message can be heard at
Our children's message can be heard at
Monday, December 08, 2008
Yesterday, we continued our Advent series, "The Message of Christmas." The message focused on this week is salvation from sin. Jesus was born into this world that he might be the atoning sacrifice for our sins. It can be heard or downloaded at
Monday, December 01, 2008
Yesterday, I started an Advent series titled "The Message of Christmas." The first message of the series reflects on the fact that, in Jesus, God became flesh. He came and lived among us to make it possible for us to live with him forever. It can be heard or downloaded at
Our children's message for yesterday can be heard at
Also, I have our Thanksgiving service. We heard a series of four short messages by myself and three men of the church. We each focused on a different area of God's provision for our lives. The other three messages were brought by Mark Fagerstrom, Shawn Blobaum, and Gilbert Sebenste. I put it in one download at
Our children's message for yesterday can be heard at
Also, I have our Thanksgiving service. We heard a series of four short messages by myself and three men of the church. We each focused on a different area of God's provision for our lives. The other three messages were brought by Mark Fagerstrom, Shawn Blobaum, and Gilbert Sebenste. I put it in one download at
Monday, November 24, 2008
We anticipate all kinds of things in life. But one thing that most believers are not anticipating is the end of this age. They don't look forward to it because they're scared of what will happen before the end comes. However, like John at the end of Revelation, we should be looking forward to it. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Our children's message for the day can be heard at
Our children's message for the day can be heard at
Monday, November 17, 2008
Yesterday, we looked at 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11. Scripture tells us that one day the Lord will return. When he does, he'll judge the living and the dead. Because we know this, his coming should be no real surprise. Even though we don't know the day of his return, we should be prepared. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Our children's sermon for the day can be heard at
Last week, I took some vacation time. One of our members at Grace, Gilbert Sebenste, filled the pulpit for me in Ashton. He preached a message on 1 Corinthians 2:2. His point is that, as the church, Jesus Christ and him crucified should be the focus of our ministry and our message. His message can be heard or downloaded at
Pastor Dick Ewing filled the pulpit at Grace. He delivered a message on Jesus' parable of the Ten Virgins. It can be heard at
Our children's sermon for the day can be heard at
Last week, I took some vacation time. One of our members at Grace, Gilbert Sebenste, filled the pulpit for me in Ashton. He preached a message on 1 Corinthians 2:2. His point is that, as the church, Jesus Christ and him crucified should be the focus of our ministry and our message. His message can be heard or downloaded at
Pastor Dick Ewing filled the pulpit at Grace. He delivered a message on Jesus' parable of the Ten Virgins. It can be heard at
Monday, November 03, 2008
This week, we're having a series of Revival messages. They're being brought by Pastor Tim Johnson of Ebenezer Free Lutheran Church in Northwood, North Dakota. The series is titled, "Experiencing God in Difficult Times."
The first message was delivered Sunday morning and is titled "The Beauty of Storms." It can be heard or downloaded at
The second message was delivered Sunday night and is titled "The Why of Storms." It can be heard or downloaded at
The third message was given Monday night and is titled, "The Effects of Storms." You can find it at
The final message is titled "Meeting God in Storms" and can be heard at
The first message was delivered Sunday morning and is titled "The Beauty of Storms." It can be heard or downloaded at
The second message was delivered Sunday night and is titled "The Why of Storms." It can be heard or downloaded at
The third message was given Monday night and is titled, "The Effects of Storms." You can find it at
The final message is titled "Meeting God in Storms" and can be heard at
Monday, October 27, 2008
One of the main truths Martin Luther tried to communicate to the people of his day was that we cannot be saved by what we do, but only by the grace of God received through faith in Jesus. We need to get back to this principle today. Most people, even in the church, think they'll be saved because they're good people. But, as we see in Philippians 3, our background and our actions can do nothing to save us. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Our children's message, focusing on Christian symbols that can be used to make a jack-o-lantern, can be heard at
Our children's message, focusing on Christian symbols that can be used to make a jack-o-lantern, can be heard at
Monday, October 20, 2008
Some people go through a mid-life crisis. They begin to look back at their life to see if they've accomplished anything, if they've made any difference in the world. They often begin to feel that their life is meaningless; they feel like it's all been in vain. The same thing happens in the church. We often feel as if what we're doing for the Lord amounts to nothing. But our service of God is never in vain. What we're doing is impacting not only the world in which we live, but also eternity. This message can be heard at
Our children's message can be heard at
Our children's message can be heard at
Monday, October 13, 2008
Yesterday was the last message of our series, "Acts of Devotion." In this message we see that the early church was devoted to prayer. We look at why prayer was so important to them and why we should share this devotion. This message can be heard and downloaded at
Monday, October 06, 2008
Yesterday, we continued our look at Acts 2:42 and saw the third thing to which the early church was devoted: the breaking of bread. This phrase is referring to the Lord's Supper. And, in this day and age where it's taken so lightly, we need to get back to this devotion. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Monday, September 29, 2008
Yesterday we heard the second message of our series, "Acts of Devotion." The second thing the people of the early church were devoted to was fellowship. They were constantly together and thought of themselves as one body. Unfortunately, however, this is not a big priority for many Christians today. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Our children's message can also be heard at
Our children's message can also be heard at
Monday, September 22, 2008
In Acts 2:42 we read that the first Christians devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayer. Over the next four weeks, we'll be taking a look at these acts of devotion, why they were so important to the early church, and why they should be important to us as well. Yesterday we reflected on the apostles' teaching. This message can be heard at
Monday, September 15, 2008
I've often heard that, in marriage or with your children, you must pick your battles. And I've found this to be true. If you fight about every little issue, you'll never have peace. The same thing is true in the church. There is a place for judgment and fighting, but we often bicker about the smallest things. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Monday, September 08, 2008
In 2 Kings 1, we hear how Ahaziah, King of Israel, consulted Baal-Zebub, a god worshipped in a town of the Philistines called Ekron. He did this because he was not a worshipper of the Lord, but of this false god. Quite often, people today do the same thing; they will do this even if they profess faith in Christ. Rather than seeking answers, rather than seeking truth, from the Lord, we seek it from another source. And by doing so, we're guilty of idolatry, of worshipping a false god. This is not a sin that God takes lightly. Ahaziah was told that he would die because of his sin. And, unless we repent and trust in Jesus, we're promised the same thing. We'll suffer the wrath of God. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
On Sunday, we reflected on the fact that we live in a world of instant gratification. Not only does this affect our life in this world, but it puts our very soul at stake. Because all we seek is to gratify our wants and desires, we pursue those things that go against the will of God. In order to follow him, Jesus says we must deny ourselves; we must die to ourselves. We can either be alive to the world and dead to God or alive to God and dead to the world. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Our children's message for the week can be heard at
Our children's message for the week can be heard at
Monday, August 25, 2008
One of the biggest complaints that non-christians have about the church is that it's full of hypocrites. And they're right. It is full of hypocrites. Too often in the church today, people are more concerned about impressing others, about appearing to be more godly than they really are. However, instead of doing this, we should simply live out our faith to honor the God who redeemed us. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Our children's message focused on new beginnings. It can be heard at
I also had the privilege of baptizing two young ladies, Terry and Amanda Flechsig. This can be heard at
Our children's message focused on new beginnings. It can be heard at
I also had the privilege of baptizing two young ladies, Terry and Amanda Flechsig. This can be heard at
Monday, August 18, 2008
Our lives are often filled with confusion and uncertainties. We also face difficult and painful situations. So we often cry out asking why God has allowed these things to happen to us. We find in Scripture that God is at work even in difficult times, even in painful circumstances, to accomplish his purpose. And we're assured in Scripture that his purpose is our blessing. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Monday, August 11, 2008
As we live in this world, we're all under the control of the laws and forces of nature. We're at their mercy and can do nothing to break them. This often leads us to just accept the way things are and to discount the power of God to help us. But, as we see in Matthew 14:22-33, Jesus has power over the forces of nature. He can do anything he wants to do. So, with God, we always have hope. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Our children's message focused on the same theme. It can be heard at
Our children's message focused on the same theme. It can be heard at
Monday, August 04, 2008
Christians today tend to be very selfish with our money; we give very little back to the Lord. We give very little to church and very little to charity. We should follow the example of the Israelites in Exodus 35-36. They brought their gifts freely, because their hearts compelled them. And they brought an overabundance. They brought so much, in fact, that they had to be told to stop. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Today, we're told that we should do what's right for us. We're told that, unless we fulfill ourselves, we'll never be happy or content. However, according to Romans 8, we're obligated not to the sinful nature, but the Lord. As believers, we're called to live for him rather than ourselves. This message can be heard and downloaded at
Monday, July 21, 2008
This week we looked at Mark 1:35-39. Many Christians today are so busy that they don't make any time for the Lord. And, in all reality, we have the time. The Lord just comes low on the priority list. We should instead follow the example of Jesus who, no matter how much he had to do and no matter how many expectations were placed on him, made time for God. This message can be heard and downloaded at
Last week, while I was on vacation, Michael Flechsig, a man newly approved to the AFLC fellowship roster, filled in for me. He talked about the hope of eternity and the impact it has on our lives. It can be heard at
Last week, while I was on vacation, Michael Flechsig, a man newly approved to the AFLC fellowship roster, filled in for me. He talked about the hope of eternity and the impact it has on our lives. It can be heard at
Sunday, July 06, 2008
In the church of today, most people are only interested in what they can get from their church. They give no thought to what they can do for others; they're unwilling to do anything for others. However, in Romans 1 we see that Paul had a desire to give. And this is a desire that all of us should have. This sermon can be heard or downloaded at
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
This week, we had our service out at a park for our annual Sunday School picnic. Since we didn't have our wonderful sound system to record the message, I recorded one of my trial runs ahead of time. Essentially, you get the very basic, stripped down version. But you'll get the point all the same.
In Genesis 22, God called Abraham to sacrifice his only son as a burnt offering. And no matter how much Abraham loved his son, he loved his God even more. He went through with it until, at the last moment, God stopped him. In the same way, we see all throughout Scripture that we're called to lay all that is dear to us upon the altar; we're to love God more than anyone or anything else in this world. This message can be heard at
In Genesis 22, God called Abraham to sacrifice his only son as a burnt offering. And no matter how much Abraham loved his son, he loved his God even more. He went through with it until, at the last moment, God stopped him. In the same way, we see all throughout Scripture that we're called to lay all that is dear to us upon the altar; we're to love God more than anyone or anything else in this world. This message can be heard at
Monday, June 23, 2008
Yesterday at Grace was confirmation Sunday. Two of our young people publicly professed their faith. You can hear their confession at
Our message was also for this special occasion. We looked at the end of John 6. Many of Jesus' disciples stopped following him because they did not believe. The Twelve, on the other hand, kept on because they knew that Jesus is the Christ and the only way of salvation. If we sincerely believe, then we too will continue to follow Jesus each and every day. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Our children's message for the day was based on the words of Jesus, "I am the vine and you are the branches." Can Molly's stick come back to life? To find out, listen at
Our message was also for this special occasion. We looked at the end of John 6. Many of Jesus' disciples stopped following him because they did not believe. The Twelve, on the other hand, kept on because they knew that Jesus is the Christ and the only way of salvation. If we sincerely believe, then we too will continue to follow Jesus each and every day. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Our children's message for the day was based on the words of Jesus, "I am the vine and you are the branches." Can Molly's stick come back to life? To find out, listen at
Monday, June 16, 2008
Yesterday, on Father's Day, we looked at the fact that fathers are helpers of the helpless. They love their children by doing for them what they cannot do for themselves. And the same thing is true of God, our heavenly Father. He too is a helper of the helpless. He helped us in our helplessness by saving us from sin and death. This message can be heard and downloaded at
Monday, June 09, 2008
We live in a culture of indebtedness. We want everything to be fair. If we do something for someone, we think they should do something for us. And this attitude often creeps into our relationship with God. Because we've been good, because we've tried to live for him, we feel entitled to his blessings. However, as we see in Job 41:11, God doesn't owe us anything. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Our children's message, focusing on greed, can be heard at
Our children's message, focusing on greed, can be heard at
Monday, June 02, 2008
In our world today, there are many people who proclaim a different truth, a different gospel, than the one we find in Scripture. Jesus told us to watch out for such people, calling them false prophets. We must look out for them, we must beware, to protect our soul as well as the souls of others. It can be heard or downloaded at
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
This past Sunday we talked once again about evangelism. Even though we, in the church, know that we've been called by God to proclaim the gospel to all creation, we're too embarrassed to do so. We're ashamed of the gospel. However, we must not be ashamed because the gospel is the power of God for the salvation of all who believe. Thi s message can be heard or downloaded at
Our children's message is also available. It focused on laziness. It can be found at
Our children's message is also available. It focused on laziness. It can be found at
Monday, May 19, 2008
Where did we come from? This is a question asked by many, and it's highlighted in the creation/evolution debate. In this message, based on Genesis 1, we see that God made all things. We also see that a lot is riding on this truth. It ultimately affects our entire view of mankind and the world around us. It can be heard or downloaded at
Our children's message about unseen heros can be heard at
Our children's message about unseen heros can be heard at
Monday, May 12, 2008
Yesterday was Pentecost Sunday. Our message focused on the significance of Pentecost as we looked at a promise of Jesus in John 7:37-39. Jesus promised that, when we come to him, when we believe in him, the Holy Spirit would flow from within us. He'll not only live within us, but work through us so that many others can have the opportunity to receive the blessing we were given by God. This message can be heard and downloaded at
Monday, May 05, 2008
So often in life, we make our decisions, we determine our direction, based on what we want for ourselves. However, this is the wrong approach. We should find joy not in doing what we want, but in what God wants for us. Our lives should be devoted to him that they might be used for him and for his glory. This message can be heard and downloaded at
Monday, April 28, 2008
This week at Grace, we're having our spring revival meetings. Pastor Peter Ward, of Faith Lutheran Church in Ottawa, IL, is with us. He's sharing a series of messages titled, "Discerning the Voice of God."
The first message is based on 1 Samuel 3:1-10 and titled "Speak, for your Servant is Listening." It can be heard or downloaded at
The second message of his series, delivered Sunday night was based on Nehemiah 8:4-12. It's titled "God Speaks from the Pulpit". It can be heard or downloaded at
Monday's message was based on Numbers 22:21-34 and was titled, "Our Hearing Problem." It can be heard and downloaded at
The last message, delivered Tuesday evening, is titled "When God Is Silent". In this message, Pastor Ward takes us through a few examples in Scripture when God seemed to be silent and what they could possibly say about our experience. It can be heard or downloaded at
At Redeemer, I also delivered a message based on 1 Samuel 3:1-10 to whet their appetite. The sound quality isn't great, because I had to record it on a portable recorder, not the wonderful sound system we have over at Grace. But, you can still here it, and I hope it blesses you. It's titled "Hearing the Voice of God" and can be heard or downloaded at
The first message is based on 1 Samuel 3:1-10 and titled "Speak, for your Servant is Listening." It can be heard or downloaded at
The second message of his series, delivered Sunday night was based on Nehemiah 8:4-12. It's titled "God Speaks from the Pulpit". It can be heard or downloaded at
Monday's message was based on Numbers 22:21-34 and was titled, "Our Hearing Problem." It can be heard and downloaded at
The last message, delivered Tuesday evening, is titled "When God Is Silent". In this message, Pastor Ward takes us through a few examples in Scripture when God seemed to be silent and what they could possibly say about our experience. It can be heard or downloaded at
At Redeemer, I also delivered a message based on 1 Samuel 3:1-10 to whet their appetite. The sound quality isn't great, because I had to record it on a portable recorder, not the wonderful sound system we have over at Grace. But, you can still here it, and I hope it blesses you. It's titled "Hearing the Voice of God" and can be heard or downloaded at
Monday, April 21, 2008
Yesterday, we brought our series, "The Problem of Pain", to an end. We saw that one other reason why God allows bad things to happen is that he uses them for our good. This message can be heard and downloaded at
Monday, April 14, 2008
Yesterday, we again looked at the problem of pain. A third reason why a loving, all-powerful God allows tragedies to take place is because he uses them as a call to repentance. This message can be heard and downloaded at
Monday, April 07, 2008
Yesterday, we heard the second message of our series, "The Problem of Pain." In it, we saw that another reason why God doesn't stop evil from happening is his patience, his desire that all should be saved. This message can be heard and downloaded at
Monday, March 31, 2008
With the shooting at Northern Illinois University about six weeks ago, it's now time to address a problem that gives people so much trouble: the problem of pain. Whenever something like this happens people ask: "If God is loving, why didn't he do something?" or "If God is truly all-powerful, why didn't he stop it from happening." The events suggest to them that either God is not loving or that he's not all-powerful. During the next four weeks, we'll be taking a look at these questions and the Scriptural truths that address them. The first reason why God allowed this tragic event to take place is the sinfulness of man. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Monday, March 24, 2008
Many people today find the Christian message to be intolerant and exclusive. But what we find in Scripture is just the opposite. We find that God isn't partial to anyone; he'll receive anyone who repents and trusts in Jesus Christ. By Jesus death and resurrection, he provided salvation for all and he desires the salvation of all. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Our children's message for the day is also available. You can find it at
Our children's message for the day is also available. You can find it at
Friday, March 21, 2008
In the message for Maundy Thursday at Grace and Good Friday at Redeemer, we heard the last message of the seried "This Is Most Certainly True." We looked at how essential it is to have both Law and Gospel present in our preaching and teaching. It can be heard and downloaded at
Monday, March 17, 2008
Yesterday, we finished our series, "From Their Own Lips". We looked at the words of the centurion, who after Jesus' death, and after God's demonstrations of his power, confessed that Jesus truly was the Son of God. He realized it too late. Will we? This message can be heard or downloaded at
Thursday, March 13, 2008
The last of our visiting pastors was here for our Lenten series last night, "This Is Most Certainly True." Pastor David Nelson shared about a large subject: the three sola's of the Reformation and the priesthood of all believers. It can be heard and downloaded at
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Today, in our series "From Their Own Lips", we looked at the words of the soldiers who served under Pontius Pilate. As they abused him they said, "Hail, King of the Jews." We saw that, just as they mocked Jesus and his authority, so too do we. We do this by failing to submit to him. If he really is our King, we'll humble ourselves and surrender our lives to him. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Our children's message for today is also available at
Our children's message for today is also available at
Thursday, March 06, 2008
This week, for our series "This Is Most Certainly True", we heard from Pastor David Skordahl who shared about the theology of the cross. He talked about how the power of the Christian life flows from the cross. It can be heard or downloaded at
Monday, March 03, 2008
In the fourth message of our series, "From Their Own Lips", we look at the words of Judas Iscariot who, after Jesus' condemnation, went back to the chief priests declaring that he had betrayed innocent blood. We see in this message that we too are responsible for Jesus' condemnation and that we have also betrayed him. It can be heard and downloaded at
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Last night, Pastor Peter Ward of Faith Lutheran Church in Ottawa, IL continued our series, "This Is Most Certainly True." He talked about the Lord's Supper and what Scripture teaches us about this sacrament. It can be heard or downloaded at
Monday, February 25, 2008
Yesterday, I delivered the third message of our series, "From Their Own Lips." We looked at the words of the religious leaders as was on trial before them, "We have heard it ourselves from his own lips." They clearly heard and understood the claims of Christ, that he is the Son of God. It can be heard and downloaded at
I accidentally dated our children's message wrong, but you can also hear it at
I accidentally dated our children's message wrong, but you can also hear it at
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Last night, as I was preaching out in Wheatland, Iowa, Pastor Chuck Sampson of Newark Lutheran Church was with us. He continued our series, "This Is Most Certainly True", with a message about Baptism. It can be heard or downloaded at
Monday, February 18, 2008
Yesterday I delivered the second message of our series "From Their Own Lips." In it, we looked at the statement made by the wife of Pontius Pilate to her husband, "Have nothing to do with that innocent man." She was right that he was innocent. Not only was he innocent of any crime that would make him deserving of death, he was completely innocent; he was without sin. And it was his innocence that made him the only acceptable sacrifice for our sin. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Our children's message for this week can also be heard, at
Our children's message for this week can also be heard, at
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Last night, Pastor Dana Coyle of Freedom and St. Petrie Lutheran Churches in rural Ottawa, IL, continued our series of messages "This is Most Certainly True." He addressed the topic of sanctification, and what this means in the life of the believer. It can be heard and downloaded at
Monday, February 11, 2008
This week I started a series of messages that will take us through the Sundays of Lent. This series is titled "From Their Own Lips." We'll be looking at statements made by those involved in Jesus' death and their significance.
The first statement was made by Caiaphas, the high priest. He said it was better that one man die than for the entire nation to perish. This message can be heard and downloaded at
This week's children's message can be heard at
The first statement was made by Caiaphas, the high priest. He said it was better that one man die than for the entire nation to perish. This message can be heard and downloaded at
This week's children's message can be heard at
Friday, February 08, 2008
Last night, we started our Lenten services a day late due to a winter storm. On Wednesday nights, we'll be hearing a series called "This Is Most Certainly True: A Survey of the Lutheran Distinctives." Myself, along with five other AFLC pastors will present this series of seven messages.
The first, delivered by me last night, addresses the topic of justification and the assurance of salvation. What we find in Scripture is that we're saved through faith alone in Jesus, and we remain in the grace of God through faith alone. This message can be heard or downloaded at
The first, delivered by me last night, addresses the topic of justification and the assurance of salvation. What we find in Scripture is that we're saved through faith alone in Jesus, and we remain in the grace of God through faith alone. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Monday, February 04, 2008
We live in a society where people of many different beliefs coexist, each claiming to be the source of truth. In a world like this, how are we to know that the Christian faith, that the teaching of the apostles, is true? In 2 Peter 1:16-21, Peter tells us we can trust their message because they were there and saw everything first hand, and because of the prophetic word. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Monday, January 28, 2008
Jesus offers us many wonderful blessings, yet many people refuse them because of the call placed on their life. When we look to Scripture we find that the Christian life is a life of sacrifice. When Jesus calls us, he calls us to leave behind all that we value, all that's important to us in this life, and to follow him. This message can be heard at
Our children's message for this week is also available to hear or download. In it we hear that we've been called to carry the gospel to all who don't know Jesus. We're to do it right here and to the ends of the earth. You can find it at
Our children's message for this week is also available to hear or download. In it we hear that we've been called to carry the gospel to all who don't know Jesus. We're to do it right here and to the ends of the earth. You can find it at
Sunday, January 20, 2008
We often say that children are a blessing, but our attitude shows otherwise. We view them, at best, as a choice and, at worst, as an inconvenience. But, according to Scripture, children are a blessing. And as such, they should not be refused. This message can be heard at
We also uploaded our children's message this week where Molly talked to the kids about different places they can pray. It can be heard at
We also uploaded our children's message this week where Molly talked to the kids about different places they can pray. It can be heard at
Monday, January 14, 2008
Here in our society, we've become very skeptical of the miraculous and of the power of God. Even though, in the Christian faith, we confess that God is all-powerful, we don't believe that God can work in our lives or in our world. We've been trained to trust only that which can be seen or proven scientifically. But in Daniel 3 we see a great example of faith in God's power and that he can, in fact, do anything. Because of this, we can confidently approach God with our needs, knowing that he has the ability to help. This message can be heard at
Monday, January 07, 2008
The real world, for us, is a world of problems and pain. A perfect life, a life of ease, is the stuff of fairy tales. However, in Scripture we receive a great hope. In the end, the suffering of the people of God will be over. They will live in a perfect place, a place free of pain and suffering. This, then, will be the real world. This message can be heard or downloaded at:
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