Monday, March 31, 2008

With the shooting at Northern Illinois University about six weeks ago, it's now time to address a problem that gives people so much trouble: the problem of pain. Whenever something like this happens people ask: "If God is loving, why didn't he do something?" or "If God is truly all-powerful, why didn't he stop it from happening." The events suggest to them that either God is not loving or that he's not all-powerful. During the next four weeks, we'll be taking a look at these questions and the Scriptural truths that address them. The first reason why God allowed this tragic event to take place is the sinfulness of man. This message can be heard or downloaded at

Monday, March 24, 2008

Many people today find the Christian message to be intolerant and exclusive. But what we find in Scripture is just the opposite. We find that God isn't partial to anyone; he'll receive anyone who repents and trusts in Jesus Christ. By Jesus death and resurrection, he provided salvation for all and he desires the salvation of all. This message can be heard or downloaded at

Our children's message for the day is also available. You can find it at

Friday, March 21, 2008

In the message for Maundy Thursday at Grace and Good Friday at Redeemer, we heard the last message of the seried "This Is Most Certainly True." We looked at how essential it is to have both Law and Gospel present in our preaching and teaching. It can be heard and downloaded at

Monday, March 17, 2008

Yesterday, we finished our series, "From Their Own Lips". We looked at the words of the centurion, who after Jesus' death, and after God's demonstrations of his power, confessed that Jesus truly was the Son of God. He realized it too late. Will we? This message can be heard or downloaded at

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The last of our visiting pastors was here for our Lenten series last night, "This Is Most Certainly True." Pastor David Nelson shared about a large subject: the three sola's of the Reformation and the priesthood of all believers. It can be heard and downloaded at

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Today, in our series "From Their Own Lips", we looked at the words of the soldiers who served under Pontius Pilate. As they abused him they said, "Hail, King of the Jews." We saw that, just as they mocked Jesus and his authority, so too do we. We do this by failing to submit to him. If he really is our King, we'll humble ourselves and surrender our lives to him. This message can be heard or downloaded at

Our children's message for today is also available at

Thursday, March 06, 2008

This week, for our series "This Is Most Certainly True", we heard from Pastor David Skordahl who shared about the theology of the cross. He talked about how the power of the Christian life flows from the cross. It can be heard or downloaded at

Monday, March 03, 2008

In the fourth message of our series, "From Their Own Lips", we look at the words of Judas Iscariot who, after Jesus' condemnation, went back to the chief priests declaring that he had betrayed innocent blood. We see in this message that we too are responsible for Jesus' condemnation and that we have also betrayed him. It can be heard and downloaded at