Monday, October 27, 2008

One of the main truths Martin Luther tried to communicate to the people of his day was that we cannot be saved by what we do, but only by the grace of God received through faith in Jesus. We need to get back to this principle today. Most people, even in the church, think they'll be saved because they're good people. But, as we see in Philippians 3, our background and our actions can do nothing to save us. This message can be heard or downloaded at

Our children's message, focusing on Christian symbols that can be used to make a jack-o-lantern, can be heard at

Monday, October 20, 2008

Some people go through a mid-life crisis. They begin to look back at their life to see if they've accomplished anything, if they've made any difference in the world. They often begin to feel that their life is meaningless; they feel like it's all been in vain. The same thing happens in the church. We often feel as if what we're doing for the Lord amounts to nothing. But our service of God is never in vain. What we're doing is impacting not only the world in which we live, but also eternity. This message can be heard at

Our children's message can be heard at

Monday, October 13, 2008

Yesterday was the last message of our series, "Acts of Devotion." In this message we see that the early church was devoted to prayer. We look at why prayer was so important to them and why we should share this devotion. This message can be heard and downloaded at

Monday, October 06, 2008

Yesterday, we continued our look at Acts 2:42 and saw the third thing to which the early church was devoted: the breaking of bread. This phrase is referring to the Lord's Supper. And, in this day and age where it's taken so lightly, we need to get back to this devotion. This message can be heard or downloaded at