Sunday, March 17, 2013

Today, we heard part 5 of our series on the Passion history.  We looked at Jesus' trial before Caiaphas.  The first couple minutes of the intro were not recorded.  But, you should be able to jump in just fine.  this message can be heard or downloaded at

Monday, March 11, 2013

Yesterday, we heard part 4 of our series on the Passion History.  We looked at the exchange between Annas and Jesus, following  his arrest.  This message can be  heard or downloaded at

This past Wednesday, Pastor Nate Nash brought the message for our Lenten worship.  He continued our look at the contrasts of the cross, talking about sorrow and joy.  This message can be heard at

Monday, March 04, 2013

Yesterday, we heard part 3 of our Sunday morning Lenten Series, "The Passion History." We looked at Jesus' arrest and found that, even though it seems that the chief priests and Pharisees are in control of this situation, Jesus was really in control.  This message can be heard or downloaded at