“So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also
will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven, but whoever denies me
before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.”
10:32-33 ESV)
We live
in a time, and in a society, where we’re encouraged to keep our faith to
ourselves. This is emphasized because we
live in a pluralistic society, made up of people from many different belief
systems and walks of life. And we’re
told that it’s respectful to allow others to believe what they believe and to
live how they want to live.
resonates with us because, after all, we want the freedom to live out our
faith. We want the freedom to hold to
our faith without interference from anyone.
However, we often fail to realize that this mindset is in direct
opposition to the faith we confess.
believers, we’ve been called to proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. We’ve been called to make disciples of all
nations. And this isn’t something we can
do if we keep our mouth shut and our faith to ourselves.
yet, keeping our faith to ourselves means leaving people in their sin. It means leaving them to the consequences of
their sin. It means that we desire to
receive salvation while leaving them in their condemnation.
out this call of God requires us to speak up.
It necessitates that we share our faith with others, even though they
believe differently than us. It requires
us to buck the morals of our society in favor of this mission God has entrusted
to us.
When we
look at a passage, like the one above, it’s greatly convicting. I would even say that it’s scary. It’s convicting and scary because, so often,
we’ve failed to acknowledge Jesus. When
given an opportunity to share the gospel, we’ve kept quiet. And, when facing rejection by men, we’ve
often denied our Lord.
I know
this is true of me. Even knowing that I
was called by God into the pastoral ministry, I struggled greatly with this in
my younger years. I didn’t want to come
off as too religious because I was afraid of rejection.
now, there are occasions when I fail to share my faith as I should. I’ve had encounters with unbelievers where
I’ve had the chance to speak of Jesus, and I’ve failed to do so. I’ve grown so much in this aspect of my life,
yet there is so much more room for growth.
As we face this struggle, we
must realize that the temptation to keep our mouth shut will only grow as time
goes on. It will only grow because, as
society turns further and further away from the Lord, the consequences of our
outreach will become more and more intense.
And, in response, our tendency toward self-preservation will grow
stronger and stronger.
The question we must keep in
mind is this: Would we rather be received by God and rejected by the
world? Or would we rather be received by
the world and rejected by God? The
Christian life is one of self-denial, not self-preservation.
By seeking to preserve our
life in this world, we’re rejecting the blessing that God has provided. As Jesus says to us in Matthew 16:24-25: "If anyone would come after me, let him
deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his
life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”
Knowing what Christ has done
for us, and knowing the blessing he’s provided us, let us carry out the call
we’ve been given. May the hope that we
possess remove any fear that we feel.
And may our hope instill within us a desire that others receive the same
blessing, no matter what it means for our life in this world.