Monday, December 31, 2012
Even though we know about the birth of Christ, this message often fails to impact us as it should. Even though we know that he's delivered us from death and everlasting condemnation, we continue to fear death. And we're unsure that we'll be saved in the end. However, knowing that the Savior has come should fill us with peace. Knowing that he's come, we can depart in peace, knowing what God has in store for us. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Monday, December 17, 2012
Even after it had been revealed to him by God, and even after he'd pointed Jesus out to the people as the Savior, John questioned this fact. After he was arrested, he asked Jesus if he is the one to come. This is a question that's on many of our heearts at times. So, can we be sure? This message can be heard at
Monday, December 10, 2012
Before Jesus began his ministry, God sent John the Baptist to prepare the people. John did this by proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. He revealed to the people their sin, their defilement, and their need for cleansing. In the same way, God prepares us for the Savior by calling us to repentance. We must first see our sin and our need for cleansing before we can receive his salvation. This message can be heard at
Tuesday, December 04, 2012
As Jesus entered into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, his followers celebrated the coming of the Savior promised by God; they praised Jesus as this Savior. This is what we do each Christmas season. We celebrate the coming of our Savior. This message can be heard at
Monday, November 26, 2012
When will the end come? When will Christ return? Jesus tells us that no one knows the day or the hour. But we can know that the season is approaching. Yet, until it all unfolds, we must watch and wait.
Monday, November 19, 2012
The end times is a subject that fascinates just about everyone. We want to know exactly what's going to happen, and we want an idea of when it will take place. However, when asked about it in Mark 13, Jesus focus was a bit different. He told his followers how they were to live in the end times. To hear this message, go to this link
Monday, November 12, 2012
In 1 Timothy 2, we're called to pray for all people. In particular, we're called to pray for those in authority over us. Yet, for whatever reason, this is an area where many of us tend to fall short.
Monday, November 05, 2012
We're often discouraged in evangelism because of the response of the world to the gospel, and because of our own failures. It feels like we'll never accomplish the mission entrusted to us by Jesus, to make disciples of all nations. However, in Revelation 7, we see that it will be accomplished; we see that God's plan will be fulfilled. He will use imperfect vessels like us to gather people from all nations before the throne. This message can be heard at
Monday, October 29, 2012
In the church today, the teaching is often controlled by the people. Our goal is to keep people comfortable and happy. We don't want to offend people by what is said. So we fail to proclaim the whole of God's Word. However, like Jeremiah, the faithful proclamation of God's Word must be our first concern.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
We know that we can't take it with us. Yet, even with this knowledge, we continue to live only for wealth. In Ecclesiastes 5, Solomon points out that this is meaningless and shares with us about a greater blessing.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
In Mark 10, we hear about a man who came to Jesus, asking how he might receive eternal life. This seems encouraging. He's seeking salvation from Jesus. However, when Jesus tells him to sell all he had and to give to the poor, the man turned away. Because he loved his wealth, it was too great a sacrifice. In the same way, many of us have sins that we're unwilling to give up for the kingdom of God. We value our sin more than the Lord. This message can be heard at
Monday, October 01, 2012
After God miraculously provided for the needs of his people in the wilderness, they became discontent. Instead of being thankful for his blessings, the people grumbled against them. Are we content with the blessings God's given us? This message can be heard at
Monday, September 24, 2012
Last week, our message was lost due to problems in the sound booth. This week, however, we heard part 8 of our series, "The Names of God." We looked at the name, found in Jeremiah 23, "The Lord Our Righteousness." This message can be heard and downloaded at
Monday, September 10, 2012
The first couple minutes of this recording was lost, but I hope the rest of it will bless you. Yesterday, we heard part 6 of our series, "The Names of God." We talked about the name, "The Lord of Hosts." This message can be heard or downloaded at
Tuesday, September 04, 2012
Yesterday, we heard the fifth part of our series, "The Names of God." We looked at the call of Gideon, and we heard the name, "The Lord Is Peace." This message can be heard or downloaded at
Monday, August 27, 2012
Yesterday, we heard part 4 of our series, "The Names of God." We focused upon the name: The Lord Our Sanctifier. We see in this name that it's the Lord who makes us holy. It's not something we do or achieve for ourselves. This too is a gift of grace. It can be heard or downloaded at
Monday, August 20, 2012
Yesterday, we heard the third message of our series: The Names of God. We heard a name, given by God to himself, which again reveals his character. We focused on the name: The Lord Your Healer. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Monday, August 13, 2012
This week, we heard the second part of our new series, "The Names of God." This week, we looked at a name, given by Moses: "The Lord My Banner." Once again, it reveals an aspect of God's character that fills us with hope. It can be heard and downloaded at
Monday, August 06, 2012
This week, we began a new series of messages, titled: "The Names of God". We're looking at the names of God, as seen in the Old Testament, and what they reveal to us about his character. This first message of this series can be heard and downloaded at
Monday, July 23, 2012
What is your background? Where have you come from? Many of us are interested in genealogy; we're interested to learn about our roots. One thing we discover as we look at our roots is that we're a sinful people. We learn that we were once separated from God; we were once outside of his kingdom. But we've been brought near because of Jesus. It's only through him that we are saved. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
I took vacation this past week. But, on July 8th, we heard the last part of our series: Man Up! We looked at the apostle Paul. And we saw that, in spite of the opposition he faced, he never quit. And neither should we. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Monday, July 02, 2012
Yesterday, we heard the 8th sermon of our series, "Man Up!" We looked at Daniel and saw that the man of God will remain faithful to God at all costs. It can be heard or downloaded at
Monday, June 25, 2012
In part 7 of our series, "Man Up!", we saw that the man of God will do all he can to eliminate evil influence from those under his care. My introduction failed to get recorded, but the content is there. So I hope you'll be blessed by it. It can be found at
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
In part 6 of our series, "Man Up!", we heard that the man of God will desire, more than anything, to serve those under his care. His life will not be focused on serving himself, but on serving God and others. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Monday, June 11, 2012
Yesterday, we heard the fifth message of our series, "Man Up!" We saw that, as believers, we need each other. We're under attack from every side, and we need the support of our brothers in Christ if we're to survive. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Friday, June 08, 2012
On May 20, before I took a vacation, I preached the fourth message of our series: "Man Up!". We saw that the man of God values obedience more than blessing. It's more important to him that he honor God than that he attain a worldly blessing that he desires. This message can be heard and downloaded at
Monday, May 14, 2012
As we celebrated Mother's Day, we looked at the example of Jochebed in Exodus 2. We learned from her that the love of a mother is to be selfless. The woman of God will be more concerned about the life and welfare of her child than she is about herself and her own desires. This message can be heard and downloaded at
Monday, May 07, 2012
Yesterday, as seven of our young people confirmed their faith, we considered the importance of laying God's Word in our heart. We saw that, in this, there's great blessing for us and for future generations. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Monday, April 30, 2012
Yesterday, we heard the third message of our series, "Man Up!" We talked about Joshua and Caleb. They were willing to trust God and stand against the crowd even when everyone else had made up their mind to reject God's blessings and return to bondage. As men, we must be willing to trust God no matter what the crowd is doing; we must be willing to serve him even if it's unpopular. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Monday, April 23, 2012
Yesterday, we heard part 2 of our series, "Man Up!" We looked at a man named Phinehas in Numbers 25. He stood up against sin because he was jealous for God. And he was blessed for doing so. In the same way, we're to be jealous for God. We're to stand up against sin wanting people for the Lord, and for the Lord alone. This message can be heard at
Monday, April 16, 2012
Yesterday, we began a new series of messages titled, "Man Up!" We're looking at the calling God has placed on the lives of men. We're doing this by looking at men of faith in Scripture, and how they lived out their faith. In our first message of this series, we looked at Abraham. The character trait we see in him, that we also need, is faith in the Lord. This is the foundation of everything else we'll be considering. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Monday, April 09, 2012
On Maundy Thursday, we heard about the Last Supper Jesus shared with his disciples. We learned that, during this time, he performed an act of humble service for them. He then instructed them to love one another as he'd loved them. Jesus says that people will know we're his disciples by our love. Is this what people see when they look at us? This message can be heard or downloaded at
On Good Friday, we finished our series looking at the questions of Lent. As Jesus was being led away to his death, some women followed him and mourned for him. Jesus turned to them and told them they were not to mourn for him, but for themselves. He told them of a terrible time that would come upon them. Then he asked, "..i they do these things when the wood is green, what will happen when it is dry?" This message can be heard at:
On Easter, we reflected on the significance of Jesus' resurrection. So many people in the church today don't get it. This can be heard at
Monday, April 02, 2012
Finding no fault in Jesus, Pilate wanted to release him. Each year, he would release to the Jews one prisoner. And along with Jesus, Pilate had in custody a notorious criminal named Barabbas. Pilate asked the Jews who they wanted released to them, Jesus or Barabbas. The chief priests told the people to ask for the release of Barabbas. Pilate then asked them what he should do with Jesus.
You and I are confronted with the same question every day. What will we do with Jesus? This message can be heard or downloaded at
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Last night we finished up our mid-week Lenten series, looking at Jesus' condemnation of the religious leaders in Luke 11. He again addresses the lawyers, telling them that they'd taken away the key of knowledge. What does this mean? Do we sometimes do the same thing? This message can be heard or downloaded at
Monday, March 26, 2012
As Jesus stood before Pontius Pilate, he said that he's the bringer of truth. Pilate responded by asking: "What is truth?" Then, he left. Many people today have the same attitude when it comes to the truth. What's yours? This message can be heard and downloaded at
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Last night, we continued in our series from Luke 11, looking at Jesus' condemnation of the Pharisees and lawyers. He brought out the fact that, although the claimed to honor the prophets, their hearts were really no different than their fathers'. The truth was that they wanted to silence the voice of God. We often have the same attitude in the church today, claiming to honor his Word but seeking to silence his voice. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Monday, March 19, 2012
After he was arrested, Peter followed Jesus to the home of the high priest. While there, he was asked by a servant girl if he was one of Jesus' disciples. Peter denied it. As believers, we will be asked whether we are followers of Jesus. How will we answer? This message can be heard or downloaded at
On Wednesday night, we looked at Jesus' first accusation against the lawyers. He told them that they placed burdens on people that were difficult to bear. And they, Jesus said, were not willing to help. How might we be guilty of this sin? This message can be heard here:
Monday, March 12, 2012
This week, we had Pastor Paul Nash, Home Missions Director of the AFLC with us. He spoke at our men's conference on Friday and Saturday, as well as at worship on Sunday. There's a lot of content here, so I'll be uploading it gradually.
The first session of our men's conference can be heard or downloaded here:
The second session of the men's conference can be found at this link:
The fourth session of the men's conference can be heard here:
We have a glitch with session 3 that we're trying to work out. We hope to have it available soon.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
This past Wednesday, we continued our series on Luke 11. As Jesus addressed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, he said that they were unmarked graves. What does this mean? How might we also be unmarked graves? This message can be heard or downloaded at
Monday, March 05, 2012
In the second message of our Lenten series, we jumped forward to the events of Jesus' arrest. As the soldiers came for him, Jesus approached them and asked whom they sought. In doing so, he turned himself over to them; he submitted himself to the will of God. Are we willing to do the same? Are we willing to submit ourselves to the will of God, no matter what it means for us? This message can be heard at
On the Wednesday's of Lent, we have another series going. In it, we're looking at Jesus' condemnation of the Pharisees in Luke 11 because of their hypocrisy. And we're seeing how we often display the same attitudes. The first message of this series failed to be recorded. So we're jumping in with message 2.
This week, we heard how the Pharisees had a love of honor. Do we possess that same love? This message can be heard or downloaded at
On the Wednesday's of Lent, we have another series going. In it, we're looking at Jesus' condemnation of the Pharisees in Luke 11 because of their hypocrisy. And we're seeing how we often display the same attitudes. The first message of this series failed to be recorded. So we're jumping in with message 2.
This week, we heard how the Pharisees had a love of honor. Do we possess that same love? This message can be heard or downloaded at
Monday, February 27, 2012
Peter boldly asserted that he would lay down his life for Jesus. But, that very night, he denied the Lord three times. Like Peter, we often overestimate our faith. We say that we believe in him; we say that we love him. But then we deny him in word and deed. We must look to the Lord who will not only forgive us, but strengthen us that we will sacrifice all for his sake. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Monday, February 20, 2012
As believers, we know that God wants to use us; we know that he wants us to serve him. And most of us would say that we're willing to do so. But not many of us have prayed that God would use us; not many of us have asked God to do great things through us. When we look at ourselves compared to other believers, to those who've accomplished great things for God, we feel unworthy and inadequate. However, they can inspire us to serve. They can motivate us to seek to be used by God. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Monday, February 13, 2012
When we bring our needs and requests to God, we carry with us a lot of expectations. We fail to realize that these expectations can actually hinder us from receiving the blessing of God. We must drop our expectations, realizing that God is not bound by them. And we must simply look to him and trust in him. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Monday, February 06, 2012
We all relish our freedom. It's true politically and in the church. We enjoy those things that God has not forbidden, and we don't let anyone strip us of our rights. However, when it comes to this freedom, there's something else we have to consider: the welfare of others in the church. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Monday, January 30, 2012
We have so many responsibilities and commitments in life, that we have little time for much else. In fact, we put so much of ourselves into these commitments that we have little time for the Lord. In 1 Corinthians 7, Paul expresses his desire that the people had an undivided devotion to the Lord. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Monday, January 23, 2012
Speaking to Jeremiah, God says that he knew him before he was formed in the womb. God says that, before he was born, he consecrated him as a prophet. We learn from this that, through abortion, we destroy a life that God knew; we destroy a life that he made for a purpose. This message can be heard or downloaded at
Sunday, January 15, 2012
We often wish that he could hear from God; we wish we could hear his voice speaking directly to us. We envy those from Scripture, men like Moses, Abraham, and the prophets who heard the voice of God. But, when it comes right down to it, do we really want to hear his voice? This message can be heard at
Monday, January 09, 2012
Where did we come from? How did life begin? There are questions asked by pretty much everyone. The message of society today is very different than that of the Bible. What are we to believe and why does it matter? This message can be heard or downloaded at
Monday, January 02, 2012
Death is a subject that makes most of us uncomfortable. Even though we realize that everyone dies, we'd rather not think or talk about it. However, because of the coming of the Savior, we can have peace in the face of death. This message can be heard or downloaded at
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