Monday, March 31, 2014

Once again, we had an issue in the sound booth yesterday, so our message was not recorded.  On Wednesday night, however, I continued our mid-week series: Sermons Preached by Christ's Enemies.  We looked at Jesus trial before the Sanhedrin and his confession, which they used to condemn him.  This message can be heard or downloaded at

Monday, March 24, 2014

Our sermon for yesterday was not recorded properly.  So, unfortunately, I can't make it available to you.  However, this past Wednesday evening, Pastor Nate Nash continued our series, "Sermons Preached by Christ's Enemies," with a message titled: "Hail, King of the Jews." This message can be heard or downloaded at

Monday, March 17, 2014

Yesterday, at Ebenezer, I began with a series of messages on the Passion History.  We looked at the death of Judas.  We then asked this question: How do we respond when we're confronted with our guilt?  This message can be heard or downloaded at

This past Wednesday, our message was brought by Pastor Kirk Thorson of Living Faith Free Lutheran Church in Larimore, ND.  He continued our series "Sermons Preached by Christ's Enemies" by focusing on a statement made by the wife of Pontius Pilate.  She sent word to her husband telling him to have nothing to do with that innocent man.  This message is available at

Thursday, March 13, 2014

I recently finished a series at Ebenezer titled, "Responding to the Call," which was based on the book of Jonah.  We looked at the call of God on Jonah's life, and how he responded to that call. We then applied the lessons we learned to our own life and our own calling.  This series is now available as a short book on Amazon.  You can find it at

Monday, March 10, 2014

Yesterday at Ebenezer, we heard part 4 of our series, "Responding to the Call." The message was titled, "Possessing the Compassion of God." We saw how Jonah, instead of rejoicing the the salvation of the people of Nineveh, longed for their judgment.  In the same way, we often desire the judgment of some.  However, God is concerned for the lost, a concern we should all share.  This message can be heard or downloaded at

On Wednesday night (Ash Wednesday) we heard the first of a series of messages that will be delivered by myself, Pastor Nate Nash (Youth and Family Pastor at Ebenezer), and Pastor Kirk Thorson (Living Faith Free Lutheran Church in Larimore, ND).  The series is titled "Sermons Preached by Christ's Enemies." The first message focused on the words of Caiaphas, "It is Better that One Man Die."  This message can be heard at

Friday, March 07, 2014

Starting today, Trusting God When It Doesn't Make Sense is on sale on Amazon.  It's only $0.99.  It will remain on sale through the 14th, but the price will gradually climb throughout the week.  So take advantage of this offer, share it with your friends, and post a review on Amazon if you like it.

Monday, March 03, 2014

On Saturday, we had our third annual men's conference at Ebenezer.  Pastor Jason Holt, Director of Youth Ministries for the AFLC, was our speaker.  He spoke on the theme: The Slippery Grip of Headship.  In the first session he talked about "Headship and Me," and asked the question, "Am I in charge of myself?" In the second session, he talked about "Headship and Marriage", and asked "Am I in charge of my marriage?" In the third session he talked about "Headship and Parenting" and asked "Am I in charge of my kids?" And in the last session, he talked about "Headship and Work" and asked if we're in charge of our work.  The links to the sessions are below.

Unfortunately, I don't believe Sunday's message was recording, part 3 of our series on Jonah.