Monday, March 10, 2014

Yesterday at Ebenezer, we heard part 4 of our series, "Responding to the Call." The message was titled, "Possessing the Compassion of God." We saw how Jonah, instead of rejoicing the the salvation of the people of Nineveh, longed for their judgment.  In the same way, we often desire the judgment of some.  However, God is concerned for the lost, a concern we should all share.  This message can be heard or downloaded at

On Wednesday night (Ash Wednesday) we heard the first of a series of messages that will be delivered by myself, Pastor Nate Nash (Youth and Family Pastor at Ebenezer), and Pastor Kirk Thorson (Living Faith Free Lutheran Church in Larimore, ND).  The series is titled "Sermons Preached by Christ's Enemies." The first message focused on the words of Caiaphas, "It is Better that One Man Die."  This message can be heard at

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