“But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed.”
(2 Peter 2:1-2 ESV)
Here we are, at the beginning of another school year. All of our church activities are also starting up. And, even though I know it means more work for me, it’s something that I greatly enjoy.
I know that, for many in the church, these activities seem like one more thing to do. They seem like another drain on our time and energy. And we don’t seem to grasp the importance of our time in God’s Word.
In the above verses, we see a very important reason to take part in these activities. Peter tells us that false prophets arose in the past and that, in the same way, they’ll arise among us as well. He tells us that they’ll bring in destructive heresies. They’ll introduce false teaching that will lead others not to saving faith in Christ, but away from it. He tells us that they will even deny Christ himself.
We’re also told that many will follow them. And not only will they be led astray, they will also make the Christian faith seem unattractive to those outside of the church. Because of them, Peter says, the way of truth will be blasphemed.
We may not be able to stop false teachers from arising. However, by engaging with God’s Word on a regular basis, we are strengthened against them. We are better able to recognize false truths as they’re being proclaimed, and we’re better equipped to stand against them.
We’re also equipped to provide a faithful testimony of the gospel to those around us. We’re better able to share the truth of God with those who don’t understand. And we’re better able to correct false teaching as we encounter it within the church.
I understand that you may not be able to take part in every opportunity the church offers. I understand that you only have so much time available to you. But I encourage you to take part in at least one of the opportunities that are offered, besides Sunday morning. Take part knowing that, as you do so, your own faith will be strengthened. And do so knowing that, in this way, you will be better equipped to bless those around you.