Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Out of Control

“The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers.” 
(1 Peter 4:7 ESV)

We like to think that we are in control of ourselves. We like to think that we maintain control of ourselves. But reality is often very different.

In reality, we are controlled by our sinful desires. We’re controlled by our lusts and passions. We allow them to dictate what we do and how we live.

Think, for a moment, of a drug addict. He has such a need for the high, he has such a desire for the high, that he’ll do anything to get it. He’ll do anything, no matter how immoral. He’ll steal. He’ll cheat. He'll commit acts of violence. He’ll sell his body.

In the same way, our passions drive us to feed them. And, for this reason, even if we think we’re in control of our actions, the opposite is typically true. We are out of control, allowing our desires to take the lead.

We tend to think that this is true only of non-believers. But this is often true of us as Christians. Even knowing the Word of God, we allow our sinful desires to control our life.

Peter, however, calls on us to be self-controlled and sober minded. We are to be in control of our actions, avoiding willful sin. We are not to let our sinful desires determine how we live. We are to fight them and choose, instead, to serve the Lord.

We’re to do this because the end of all things is at hand. As Christians, we live in expectation of Christ’s return. And, because of this, we must be prepared to meet him. We must not be living in unrepentance.

We’re also to do this for the sake of our prayers. When we are being controlled by our passions, it affects our prayer life. It hinders our prayers, because we’re so focused on our desires. It turns our attention from God to ourselves. And it also prevents us from praying rightly. Instead of praying for those things that will bring glory to the Lord, we pray for things that are self-serving in nature.

Let us, then, take an honest look at ourselves. Let’s see where we are out of control. And let’s confess this to the Lord, repenting of our sin. Let’s determine, instead, to live for the Lord and for his glory.

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