in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you have been filled in
him, who is the head of all rule and authority.”
2:9-10 ESV
Many of us take in interest in a wide range of subjects. We like
to read and study a whole variety of topics. And we do so in an effort to be
This is true of us, even as believers. Although we read and study
the Bible, and although we regularly hear it as it’s taught and preached, we
still feel that we need something more. And we think that looking to these other
sources is needful that we might be complete.
However, as a result, we have a tendency to fill ourselves up with
things that contradict our faith. We allow ourselves to be filled up with
things that are opposed to Christ. And we often think and act as if this is
good and acceptable. We think and act as if this promotes our personal growth.
Although there are certainly things that we can learn from people
around us, and although we can learn useful information from sources outside of
the Bible, we have to draw a clear distinction. We have to distinguish those
things that are helpful, and that do not contradict the Word of God, from those
that are clearly opposed to Christ. We must do so because this philosophy, this
empty deceit, is the invention of man. It flows from the elemental, from the
rudimentary, spirits or principles of the world.
For this reason, they have the ability to take us captive. They
have the ability to carry us off, like the spoils of war. In other words, they
have the ability to lead us astray from Christ.
What we learn from the above passage is that we don’t need these
vain and empty philosophies in order to be made whole. Nor do we need them to
attain personal growth. We don’t need them because, in Jesus, the whole
fullness of deity dwells bodily. In Jesus, the fullness of God dwells bodily.
And, according to Paul, we have been filled in him. We’ve been
filled in him who is the head of all rule and authority. We have a unique relationship
with Christ. And, in him, we’re satisfied. In Christ, we are imbued with
everything needful.
So, rather than seeking fulfillment outside of Christ, and rather than
seeking it in addition to Christ, we must understand that it’s found in him. It’s
found in him alone. Jesus is all that we need in order to be filled. He's all that we need in order
to be complete.
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