Monday, January 25, 2021

The Blessing of Opportunity


“At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ, on account of which I am in prison— that I may make it clear, which is how I ought to speak.”

Colossians 4:3-4 ESV


We are all familiar with the calling that Christ has given to the Church. He’s called us to proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. And he’s called us to make disciples of all nations.


That being said, we often feel that our opportunities to do so are few. Even though we are continually surrounded by the lost, and even though we’re surrounded by people who need to hear the gospel, it doesn’t seem that the opportunity to do so frequently presents itself. We are then filled with guilt, as we haven’t carried out this calling. And we’re filled with frustration because our chances to do so have been so few.


What are we to do in such a case? We find the answer to this question in the verses above. And, as with all blessings, we find that we must look to the Lord.


As Paul wrote the book of Colossians, he was imprisoned. And I think it’s clear how circumstances like these could limit the chances he had to share the Word of God. Being separated and secluded from people definitely creates some limitations.


For this reason, Paul asked the Colossians to pray for him. He asked them to pray for himself, as well as for Timothy. And specifically, he asked them to pray for two things.


He asked them to pray that God would open to them a door for the Word, to proclaim the mystery of Christ. He, of course, couldn’t change his circumstances. He couldn’t provide or manufacture the opportunity to proclaim the Word. And, for this reason, he looked to the Lord to do so.


He asked them to pray also that he might make it clear. He asked them to pray that he might make the Word of God, that he might make the gospel, clear to those who heard. And the reason for this is plain. He desired that those who heard might understand the message.


This, then, is how we can pray for ourselves in the circumstances described earlier. As we experience limitations when it comes to sharing the gospel, and as we experience a lack of opportunities to do so, we must simply look to the Lord. We must look to the Lord trusting that he will supply both the people as well as the openings to do so.


This is also a wonderful way for us to pray for our missionaries. It’s a wonderful way for us to pray for our pastors. As we pray that God might use them to accomplish his purposes, we can ask that he’ll graciously provide for them the opportunity to share the gospel and clarity of speech that they might do so well.


As God desires that all should be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth, we know such prayers are in accordance with his will. And as he desires that none should perish but that all should reach repentance, we can be assured that he’ll graciously answer such a prayer. So, as we look to the Lord for his gracious provision in all things, let us look to him for these as well.

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