Thursday, November 04, 2021

Indispensable Doctrine


“But as for you, teach what accords with sound doctrine.”

Titus 2:1 ESV


As we look at the church of today, we find that all kinds of things are being taught. We find that there are all kinds of crazy things that are portrayed as Christian teaching. We find that much of what is being passed off as Christian teaching is very different from what we find in Scripture and from that of the historic Christian Church.


The same thing was true in the days of Paul. As we look at the end of the first chapter of Titus, Paul points out what some of them were. He refers to Jewish myths and to the commands of people who turn away from the truth.


However, as Paul writes to this young pastor, named Titus, he tells him that he is to teach what accords with sound doctrine. He is to teach what was consistent with sound teaching. He is to speak things that are fitting or appropriate to sound doctrine.


In the day in which we live, doctrine is thought to be a dirty word. Doctrine is synonymous with dry and boring. It’s also synonymous with dead and lifeless.


For this reason, people will choose a church with which to identify and worship based not upon its doctrine. So often, we look instead to the entertainment value.  We look to the emotional response that a church is able to generate.  And we look to the programs that are offered.


However, while we go to a church that gives us the “feels,” we receive teaching that contradicts Scripture. While we go to a church that appeals to our taste, we receive teaching that sets itself above Scripture. And while we go to a church that offers the programming we desire, we receive teaching that leads us not to life and salvation, but to death and judgment.


No matter the common perception of our day, doctrine is essential. In fact, it should be first and foremost in our consideration when it comes to the church with which we associate. Doctrine literally means “right teaching.” And it should be clear to us why right teaching is so important.


Right teaching offers to us what is true. It offers to us a proper explanation of the Word of God. It provides to us the correct understanding of the faith taught to us in Scripture.


While it may be possible for us to find a church that appeals to our taste while offering sound doctrine, and while it may be possible for us to find a church that offers right teaching and the programming we desire, a church’s doctrine must always be our main priority. If we’re to make sacrifices, it’s better for us to sacrifice our preferences and desires rather than right teaching. If we’re forced to choose, a church’s doctrine should guide our choice.

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