Thursday, September 15, 2022

The Source of Assurance


“That is why it depends on faith, in order that the promise may rest on grace and be guaranteed to all his offspring—not only to the adherent of the law but also to the one who shares the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all…”

(Romans 4:16 ESV)


Although we know the gospel, that we are saved by the grace of God alone through faith in Christ alone, we revert to trusting in the law for salvation. We begin to depend, again, upon the works of the law to attain for ourselves the forgiveness of sins. Our sinful nature leads us to depend upon ourselves, rather than Christ, to gain the mercy that we need.


The result of this is that we have no peace. We have no assurance of salvation. We can never know if we’re good enough, or if we’ve done enough, to satisfy the righteous requirements of God.


And this leaves us in a state of doubt. It leaves us in a state of uncertainty. It leaves us in a state of worry, concerned that we may be found to have fallen short.


We see from this why the gospel is truly good news. We see from this why it is essential. It alone can provide for us the assurance of salvation.


This is what Paul is addressing in the verse above. He tells us that the promise of God, given to Abraham, depends not upon law, but upon faith. And the promise to which he refers is that he and his descendants were to be heirs of the world.


He points out in verses 14-15 that if it’s the adherents of the law who are to be heirs, faith is null and the promise is void. Faith and the promise are empty and meaningless because law brings only wrath. Because of our sinful nature, we will always fall short. And, in this way, our dependance upon the law brings only condemnation.


In that case, there is no assurance of salvation. Worse yet, there is the assurance of only judgment. There is the assurance only of condemnation.


However, because it depends upon faith, the promise of God is guaranteed. It’s guaranteed to all who share the faith of Abraham. And it’s guaranteed because it depends not upon us, but upon God.


For this reason, no longer are we left in a state of doubt. No longer are we left in a state of uncertainty. We know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that we are inheritors of every blessing promised to us by God.

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