“She said, “Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table.””
(Matthew 15:27 ESV)
Each of us has heard the gospel many times. And we understand it. We understand that we’re sinners. We understand that we’re undeserving of forgiveness and salvation. We understand that the only way these blessings have been made available to us is through Jesus and the sacrifice he offered on our behalf.
Yet, as we read the above passage in context, it’s difficult for us. It’s difficult because Jesus seems anything but gracious and merciful. He seems, in fact, to deny this woman in her hour of need.
He ignores her at first. And when he finally does address her, he tells her that he was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Being a Gentile, this seems to suggest that Jesus would do nothing for her.
Explaining himself, he goes on to say something that seems downright insulting. He tells her that it isn’t right to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs. And we struggle with the fact that he addresses her this way.
This woman, however, doesn’t take issue with it in the least. In fact, she acknowledges it. She acknowledges the fact that she is not one of the children of Israel. And, more than that, she acknowledges the fact that she is a dog.
She in no way sought to deny God’s blessing to the people of Israel. And she acknowledges that she is undeserving of his blessing. She acknowledges that she’s in no way entitled to it.
This is where you and I tend to struggle. We’re reluctant to acknowledge that we’re undeserving of God’s blessing. And we’re unwilling to acknowledge that we’re not, by nature, one of God’s children.
This, to us, is insulting. It’s offensive. And it’s degrading.
However, when the woman acknowledged the reality of her situation, she received exactly what she asked for. She received the blessing of God. She received it as Jesus healed her daughter.
And the same is true of us, as well. When we acknowledge the reality of our situation, Jesus will also grant us his blessing. He'll, then, provide for us exactly what we need.
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